Here's high humour in a summer's annals of an English essayist's financially stricken family and their children's attempts to improve the situation.

For years the Channings have lived in a windmill they love. But they are faced with unpleasant prospects when Mr. Channing must take a Job in a bank in town and sell the windmill to a couple of lady cyclists who want to make a 'handwoven' tearoom out of it.

Unexpectedly it is on the children, Colin and Kate, that the burden of extrication from the situation falls. Puffin, a school chum of Colin's and king of a country near India, turns up with a reward on his head and a desire to be free for awhile before taking up royal duties. How the children keep him hidden away from eastern plots, and win the reward money, makes a delightfully believable plot.

Also available on our Facebook page The Windmill Family

The Windmill Family

  • Product Code: Book
  • Availability: 1
  • Dimension: L 0.00 x W 0.00 x H 0.00
  • Weight: 0.000 Kg
  • R25.00

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Tags: pamela brown, books, fiction, young adult, drama